Stairways to digital transformation

Some days ago, I added a blog post about a model we developed to help managers think how to land digital transformation to business. Now I would like to share with you a document that explains our model in more detail.

You can download it here: op-0287-e

I hope you find it interesting!

5 responses

  1. Great article both in depth as in defining a clear path that can help lots of companies to surf the digital tide. Thank you very much!

  2. Muchas gracias Julián y la semana que viene dime cuándo podemos vernos y quizás almuerzo en el IESE? Abrazo

    Javi Prado

    > El 6 oct 2016, a las 19:29, el blog de Julian Villanueva escribió: > > >

  3. Acabo de compartirlo! Excelente síntesis de los pasos a dar y aspectos a tener en cuenta en la necesaria digitalización de las empresas.

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